
  • Q.

    (a) Explain two (2) major steps in sales force management. (10 marks)

    (b) Elaborate the five (5) steps in the selling process. (15 marks)

    (25 marks, 2023 Q7)


  • Q.

    (a) Explain market-skimming pricing and market penetration pricing. (10 marks)

    (b) Elaborate on the differences between value-based pricing and cost-based pricing. (15 marks)

    (25 marks, 2023 Q6)


  • Q.

    (a) Explain three (3) elements of the promotion mix. (15 marks)

    (b) Elaborate two (2) basic promotional strategies that firms can choose. (10 marks)

    (25 marks, 2023 Q5)


  • Q.

    (a) Explain methods for companies to find and develop new product ideas. (10 marks)

    (b) Elaborate the three (3) stages of new product development. (15 marks)

    (25 marks, 2023 Q4)


  • Q.

    (a) Explain the differences between market segmentation and market targeting. (10 marks)

    (b) Explain the significance of product positioning in the marketing of a product. (15 marks)

    (25 marks, 2023 Q3)


  • Q.

    (a) Briefly explain the need for effective segmentation. (5 marks)

    (b) Elaborate four (4) major variables that can be used in segmenting property buyers. (20 marks)

    (25 marks, 2023 Q2)


  • Q.

    (a) Explain the five (5) core customers and marketplace concepts. (15 marks)

    (b) Elaborate the two (2) variables of the marketing mix. (10 marks)

    (25 marks, 2023 Q1)


  • Q.
    Explain the followings

    (a) Voluntary Disposition inter vivos under  SA1949 (5 marks)

    (b) The concept of Rebus Sic Sitanbus under Act 171 (5 marks)

    (c) Contribution of Aids under Local Government Act 1976 (5 […]

  • Q.
    (a) Land alienation premium is determined by the State Authority upon approval of land alienation to either individual body. The calculation of premium depends on 5 main factors. Using appropriate example […]

  • Q.
    Capital allowance is an allowance allowed by the Inland Revenue Board to replace the fixed asset depreciation deductible from the gross business income. Explain two (2) following components of capital […]

  • Q.

    (a) Fixed duty (10 marks)

    (b) Ad Valorem Duty (15 marks)

    (25 marks, 2022 Q4)

  • Q.
    Suria Sdn Bhd purchase a double storey terrace house at Subang Perdana from Mrs Asiah on 30 Apr 2018 at a purchaser price of 20% higher than the market value. Mrs Asiah was awarded the house by the state […]

  • Q.
    Calculate the stamp duty and real property gain tax that need to be paid for the following transactions and explain who are responsible to settle the payment.

    (a) Mr Hadi purchased a bungalow located at Puncak […]

  • Q.
    As an estate agent you are invited to give an opinion in a discussion regarding legislation that give an impact to the property’s owners. Discuss any two (2) of the followings

    (a) Development Charge under T […]

  • Q.
    (a) Explain ‘damages’ as one of the important remedies available for breach of contract

    (b) Explain the inspirations of the element of ‘certainty’ to a contract

    (20 marks, 2022 Q8)

  • Q.
    “All our clients were influenced by the promises made by Syarikat Sofia and made full cash payments to Syarikat Sofia after both sides of Syarikat Sofia and the customer signed the construction agreement. The c […]

  • Q.
    Clarify the difference between Private & Public Nuisance.

    (20 marks, 2022 Q6)

  • Q.
    Explain the circumstances that allow the High Court to set aside and Award on Chap 7, Arbitration Act 2005 (Act 646)

    (20 marks, 2022 Q5)

  • Q.
    (a) Clarify the meaning of misrepresentation and give appropriate examples.

    (b) The appropriate remedy depends on the terms of the contract, the nature of the breach and the specific circumstances of the case. […]

  • Q.
    (a) Explain what are the essential elements of a contract

    (b) Abu offered to sell his house to Biden by letter. Biden accepted the offer by posting a registration letter to Abu on 23.07.2022. On 25.07.2022, […]

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